The Warrior Academy from Tactical Concealed Carry is a ONE OF A KIND, comprehensive series of classes that provide CRITICAL, LIFE SAVING KNOWLEDGE & PHYSICAL SKILLS! It’s perfect for anyone looking to protect themselves and their loved ones. Our classes go WAY BEYOND the basic “gun shop law lecture” and “gun range sessions” where people stand still in an air-conditioned well-lit environment shooting holes and paper. Warrior Academy focuses on providing REAL, LIFE-SAVING knowledge and skills that actually give you what you really want which is safety rather than a false sense of security shooting holes and paper. In our classes, you'll learn how to prepare properly for violent attacks and how to prevail in the face of danger.
Warrior Academy classes cover a wide range of topics, including self-defense tactics, situational awareness, and combat mindset. We also provide hands-on training with firearms and other weapons, so you can develop the skills and confidence you need to defend yourself in any situation. Sign up for the Warrior Academy so you can be:
“Prepared To Prevail!


Why WOMEN WHO CARRY IN A PURSE are making a HUGE MISTAKE and where you actually should carry your gun!

How to AVOID WASTING YOUR MONEY on laser sights, crappy holsters and gimmicks!

Why MOST PEOPLE PICK THE WRONG GUN & GEAR and how to avoid getting stuck with a gun & gear you hate!

INSIDER SECRETS ON HOW ATTACKS REALLY HAPPEN and how to completely overwhelm and defeat your attacker if you become the target!

WHAT TYPE OF SKILLS YOU DESPERATELY NEED and how to acquire them quickly and affordably.

WHY MOST CONCEALED CARRIERS LIVE IN A DREAM WORLD and won't find out till it's too late!

THE SECRETS OF STAYING LEGAL and avoiding lawsuits and jail time!

How to BULLET PROOF YOUR SAFETY MINDSET and AVOID injuring yourself or your loved ones!

USING YOUR ENVIRONMENT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE and defeat bad guys by superior decision making!

Why the type of skills you ACTUALLY SHOULD BE ACQUIRING are totally different than you would think!

Warrior Academy Levels 1-7
LVL 1 - CONCEALED CARRY 2.0™ Certification Class (4.0 HRS)
LVL 2 - Dynamic Defensive Shooting Class (3.5 HRS)
LVL 3 - Mastering The Mechanism
LVL 4 - Virtual Threat Lab
LVL 5 - Tactical Skills And Drills
LVL 6 - Conquering At Close Quarters CQB
8 Free Lvl 1 Passes For Friends & Family
one time payment including taxes*

Warrior Academy Levels 1-7
LVL 1 - CONCEALED CARRY 2.0™ Certification Class (4.0 HRS)
LVL 2 - Dynamic Defensive Shooting Class (3.5 HRS)
LVL 3 - Mastering The Mechanism
LVL 4 - Virtual Threat Lab
LVL 5 - Tactical Skills And Drills
LVL 6 - Conquering At Close Quarters CQB
10 Free Lvl 1 Passes For Friends & Family
$250 Home Laser Training System
one time payment including taxes*
now on sale - get it fast!
QUESTIONS? - CALL 904-606-5822
Please Take A Moment And Watch This Welcome Video and Read About This Special Offer On Warrior Academy!
Did You Know That Gun Ranges Actually Make You Worse As A Defensive Shooter?
Allow me to introduce myself! I'm Tyler Wildman and I wasn't always a defensive firearms instructor, news correspondent & author. At one time, I was sitting right in your chair trying to decide if I needed to hire a professional instructor or not! I'll be honest, most people won't because they've fallen for two huge myths. The First Myth is that defensive shooting is just like Hollywood Movies. They make defensive shooting look easy! The bad guy goes down the moment he's shot and the good guy always wins.
The Second Myth is that shooting a defenseless paper target at a gun range means you're ready to stop a violent attack! So why do people fall for these myths? Because everyone wins at a gun range! At a range, you're calling the shots... literally! You decide where you shoot your target, how many times you shoot, how fast you shoot, and when you take a break. Not to mention, you're in a well-lit, air-conditioned, stress-free environment. You can look at your gun, use your sights, and take your time. On the range, most shooters even close one eye while shooting! Not only would closing an eye in the middle of a violent attack be a horrible decision, but in most cases, it's biologically impossible!
The Sad News Is That, Real Life Threats Are Nothing Like The Gun Range!
​Don't take my word for it. Just watch violent attacks caught on camera. The Texas church shooter killed two people in 2 seconds because they were woefully unprepared! Let me introduce you to your attacker based on crime database evidence: They are typically a sociopath with no remorse over what they do to their victims. They kill, cripple, rape, and steal with NO REMORSE! They are young, strong, and athletic males between the ages of 17-29. They prefer to attack from close up. 86.2% of the time, they attack you from a distance of 9-15 feet. That's less than a car's length! At the gun range, enjoy the luxury of standing still while shooting at your still paper target. The picture of a scary-looking killer on your target doesn't change the fact that it's still a defenseless piece of paper you've stapled in place! It's like doing a Kata at a Karate looks tough but you're still fighting the air!
Bad guys want you to believe that hitting a paper target is getting you ready for him! This gives him another advantage over you. He wants you lulled into a sense of security by the holes in your target. He knows he's going to shock you when he doesn't stand still. He will move fast and unpredictably! As if it weren't hard enough to hit a moving person while standing still, you'll want to keep moving also. Your attacker knows he has a 78% less chance of getting mortally wounded if he moves. Just how fast is your attacker? He can run 21 feet with a weapon in less than 1(point)5 seconds. That's 1.5, not 15! This means he can stab or shoot you before most people can even draw their weapon. What's worse — you won't get a warning because your attacker prefers to attack you out of ambush. Most likely when you're doing something else, like using an ATM, loading groceries, or walking to your car in a dark parking lot.
​According to the statistics, your attack will be over in less than 3 seconds. Your attacker has the advantage over you because they get to decide when and how the attack will happen. You can only respond to the decisions they are making as they make them. Unfortunately, your attacker won't come to the party empty-handed. 71% of the time, they will use a deadly weapon.
You'll Have To Shoot Fast Because It's Going To Take 3-5 Shots To Stop Him! I've Even Seen A Video Of An Attacker Slashing His Victim With A Machete Even AFTER Getting Shot 12 Times! If Your Attacker Is On Drugs Or Filled With Rage, They May Not Even Know You've Shot Them! One Of Your Greatest Challenges Is The Fact That Those 3-5 Shots You Shoot, Have To Land In One Of 3 Small, Critical Zones On Your Attacker If You Want To End The Attack Fast. Trust Me, You Want It To End Fast! The Longer You're In The Fight, The Greater The Chance Of Injury Or Death! Can You Imagine The Difficulty In Shooting A 3-5 Inch Target At 15 Feet 5 Times As Fast As You Can Pull The Trigger? Without Serious Tactical Training, This Would Be Impossible For Almost Any Shooter Even If They Were Standing Still In A No Stress Gun Range! Now Try Doing It While Moving Yourself and Fighting For Your Life Against A Moving Attacker! What's Worse, 98% Of Students Entering Our Academy Are Holding The Gun Wrong! If You're In The 98% And Holding The Gun Wrong, There's No Chance Of Controlling Recoil and Keeping Your Shots In That Small Of An Area!
A Bit Of Good News...You Don't Have To Gamble With Your Safety Or The Safety Of Your Family! You Can Prepare But You'll Have To Train In A Completely Different Way Than Most! The Warrior Academy Was Specifically Designed to Prepare Students To Prevail Against These Close, Fast, and Deadly Attacks By Rapidly Implementing A Counter Ambush and Overwhelming An Attacker! No Other Training Company Offers This Proprietary System To Civilians! In The Academy, We Call This Stacking The Deck! Every Skill You Learn Is Another ACE In Your Deck Dramatically Increasing Your Odds Of Survival! You Can Spend Hundreds Or Even Thousands On Ammo and Range Fees, Guns, and Holsters OR You Can Invest In Yourself By Equipping Yourself With These Life-Saving Skills! ONLY The Warrior Academy Offers You A Fully Immersive, Complete & Cohesive Training System! FIGHTING WITH A GUN IS A MARTIAL ART! Just Like You Would Sign Up For Martial Arts Lessons, You Need To Invest In You Skills By Getting Superior Training Doing So Will Ensure That You're Ready To Prevail Against An Attack!
With Over 2,900 Five Star Google Reviews, The Warrior Academy Is The Highest Rated Training System In America! The Average American Invests $804 / Year or $67 Per Month On Life Insurance But Their Family Only Gets The Money If They Die! I Call It Death Insurance Because You Have To Die For Your Loved Ones To Get It! The Warrior Academy Is TRUE LIFE INSURANCE That Can Actually Keep You Alive So Your Family Can Enjoy You! Doesn't It Make More Sense To Invest In LIVE SAVING SKILLS AND JOIN THE WARRIOR ACADEMY RIGHT NOW BEFORE YOU NEED IT!?